Friday, October 28, 2022

Geometry Problem 1501: Square, Exterior Point, Congruent Angles, Segment, Measurement

Geometry Problem 1501. Post your solution in the comment box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, K-12 School, Honors Geometry, College.

Details: Click on the figure below.

Geometry Problem 1501: Square, Exterior Point, Congruent Angles, Segment, Measurement

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  1. Let PG and AB intersect at point K.
    Then Angle PKA= Angle PGD =Alpha.
    Hence Triangle PKE is isosceles with PK=PE.
    Extend FP to meet line DA at point L. We have isosceles Triangle PLH with PL=PH.
    Also FL=GK (since both segments make equal angle with side of square FL.sin(180- Alpha)=GK.sin(180-Alpha)=side of square)
    We get PG=GK+PK=FL+PE=PF+PH+PE
    16=4+5+PH, we get PH=7.


    Calculate PM= PG.sin (a)= 16.sin(a)
    PN= PEsin(a)=5.sin(a)
    PU=PF.sin(a)= 4 sin(a)
    PV= PH.sin(a)
    Since ABCD is a square => PU+PV=PM-PN
    So PV= 7.sin(a) => PH= 7

  3. Let FP, DH extended meet at V
    Let PG, AB meet at U
    Drop a perpendicular UX to CD, X on CD
    Complete rectangle CDVW

    PE = PU = 5

    Tr.s VWF & GUX are congruent ASA
    So FV = UG = 11
    Hence PV = 11- 4 = 7

    But PV = PH
    Hence PH = 7

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


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