Saturday, September 17, 2022

Geometry Problem 1497: Scalene Triangle, Transversal, Same Ratio, Proportionality, Isosceles, Double Angle

Geometry Problem 1497. Post your solution in the comment box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, K-12 School, Honors Geometry, College.

Details: Click on the figure below.

Geometry Problem 1497: Scalene Triangle, Transversal, Same Ratio, Proportionality, Isosceles, Double Angle

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  1. Where is Problem 1496?

    1. Link:

  2. To Antonio : I published solution for this problem few weeks ago . The solution appear in few days then disappear later. I am not sure if there are something wrong in my solution ?

    1. Peter Tran has left a new comment on your post "Geometry Problem 1497: Scalene Triangle, Transversal, Same Ratio, Proportionality, Isosceles, Double Angle":

      Problem 1497 solution 2
      Draw GK//HC
      C, E and K are collinear points => triangles HEC similar to GEK ( case AA)
      We have EH/EG=HC/GK=CE/CE => BG=GK
      Let BK meet DC at L
      Since EH/EG=CE/EK= CF/FB=> BK//EF ( Thales theorem)
      We have isosceles and similar triangles GBK and LAB ( case AA)
      And ∠ (ALB)= ∠ (ABL)= ∠ (FDC)=alpha
      And x= ∠ (HAG)= 2. Alpha

  3. Peter Tran has left a new comment on your post "Geometry Problem 1497: Scalene Triangle, Transversal, Same Ratio, Proportionality, Isosceles, Double Angle":

    Draw BK//HC
    H, F and K are collinear points => triangles HFC similar to KFB ( Case AA)
    We have CF/BF=HF/FK=CH/BK=CH/BG => BG=BK
    Let GK meet DC at L
    Since EH/EG=CF/BF=HF/FK => GK//EF ( Thales theorem)
    We have isosceles triangles GBK and LAG
    And ∠ (ALG)= ∠ (AGL)= alpha
    And x= ∠ (HAG)= 2. alpha

    Posted by Peter Tran to Go Geometry (Problem Solutions) at Sep 17, 2022, 7:28 PM

  4. My solution, given by the construction of the points E,F may be found at my blog :
    Best regards,
    Stan Fulger


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