Saturday, July 28, 2018

Geometry Problem 1369: Equilic Quadrilateral, 120 Degrees, Congruence, Midpoint, 60-120 degrees Rhombus, Polyiamond, Diamond

Geometry Problem. Post your solution in the comment box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Details: Click on the figure below.

Geometry Problem 1369: Equilic Quadrilateral, 120 Degrees, Congruence, Midpoint, 60-120 degrees Rhombus.


  1. EF // GH, EF = FG => Rhombus

  2. EF//BC//GH and FG//CD//EH so EFGH is a parallelogram and since EF = AB/2 = CD/2 = FG EFGH is a rhombus

    Further < EHG = 180 - (120-@) - @ = 60 and so EFGH is a 60-120 Rhombus

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


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