Saturday, January 30, 2016

Geometry Problem 1184: Right Triangle, Square, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Concurrent Lines

Geometry Problem. Post your solution in the comment box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to view more details of problem 1184.

Online Math: Geometry Problem 1184: Right Triangle, Square, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Concurrent Lines


  1. Let r1 and r2 are radii of circles Q and O
    Since TH is the common tangent of 2 circles
    so we have PH/PT= PQ/PO= r1/r2
    Let AC meet OQ at P’
    We have AO ⊥OQ and CQ⊥OQ
    So P’C/P’A= QC/OA=r1/r2=P’Q/P’O
    So P coincide to P and TH, EF and AC concur at P

  2. Ang CFB=45=P1+FCP, Ang BFG=45=P2+FMP(M on GF)
    Ang FMP=CNP (N on DB) => in tr PNC = 180

  3. OQ, TH meet at P. We must prove that AC also passes thro P

    If OT = R and QH = r, then OA = sqrt2 R and QC = sqrt2 r

    So OA/QC = OT/QH which in turn = PO/PQ

    Now consider the right triangles POA and PQC in which PO/PQ = OA/QC and < O < Q = 90

    It follows that the 2 right triangles are similar and so < PAO =PCQ and for this to happnd PCA must be collinear

    Hence AC, OQ and TH meet in a point P

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


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