Friday, November 8, 2019

Dynamic Geometry Problem 1445: Van Aubel's theorem, Quadrilateral and Four Squares, Centers

Interactive step-by-step animation using GeoGebra. Post your solution in the comment box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Details: Click on the figure below.

Dynamic Geometry Problem 1445: Van Aubel's theorem, Quadrilateral and Four Squares, Centers. Using GeoGebra.

1 comment:


    Let S is the midpoint of BD
    Consider triangle ABD and squares ADKL and ABFE
    Per the result of problem 497 we have SM=SN and SM⊥SN
    Consider triangle BCD and squares DCIJ and BCHG
    We also have SP=SO and SP⊥SO
    Triangle SOM is congruent to SPN ( case SAS)
    And triangle SOM is the image of SPN in the rotational transformation, center S
    And angle of rotation= 90
    So MO=PN and MO⊥PN


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