Thursday, September 26, 2013

Geometry Problem 929: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Reflection, Concurrency

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 929.

Online Geometry Problem 929: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Reflection, Concurrency


    Let BH,AH and CH cut the circle at B’, A’ and C’
    Note that A’, B’ and C’ is the reflection of H over BC, AC and AB ..( property of orthocenter)
    So F, B’, B1 are collinear , similarly for E, A’, A1 and D, C’, C1
    This problem become problem 733 . see below for solution

  2. Let A', B', and C' be reflections of H over BC, AC, and AB respectively. By property of orthocenter, these points are on circumcircle.
    Let FB' and DC' meet at P.
    <FPD=180-2(<DFA+<FDA)=180-2<BAC=arcB'C'/2, making P on circumcircle.
    Let DC' and EA' meet at P'.
    =arcA'C'/2, making P' on circumcircle.
    P and P' are both on DC' and circumcircle, so they must coincide.


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