Thursday, December 2, 2010

Problem 546: Triangle, Angle Trisectors, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle

Geometry Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 546 about Triangle, Angle Trisectors, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle.

Problem 546: Triangle, Angle Trisectors, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle.
Go to Complete Problem 546


  1. 1)in triangle AEC
    the sine law gives:EC=ACsina/siny;EA=ACsinc/siny
    2)at vertex E
    3)in triangle ADE
    4)in triangle CEF
    <DEF=60,DEF is equilateral

  2. DEF = 60°, ADE = CFE = 120° - a - c
    AD meet CF at H => HE bisector
    build EAG = c, G on CF, join E to G
    ▲ADE ≡ ▲EFG (DAE = FGE, AE = EG, AED = GEF )
    => ED = EF => EDF = EFD = 60°

  3. Let CE meet AB at M and let AD and CF meet at N

    Now < AEM = a+c so < MED = 60 - a, hence < DEF must be 60 (< CEF = 60 + a)

    Further < ADE = < EFC = 120 - a - c so < EDN = < EFN

    Also E is the incentre of Tr. ANC hence < DNE = < FNE

    So Tr. s DEN and FEN are congruent ASA

    So in Tr. DEF. DE = EF and the included angle is 60 hence the Tr. DEF is equilateral

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


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