Thursday, November 12, 2009

Problem 384: Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Semiperimeter

Proposed Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 384.

 Problem 384. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Semiperimeter.
See also:
Complete Problem 384
Collection of Geometry Problems

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry


  1. Extend AC on either side naming the end to the left of A as X and to the right of C as Y. Draw BM perpendicular to AC. ADBM is concyclic and hence ang. DAX = ang.DBM. But ang. DAX =ang. DAB = ang. DMB. In other words, ang. DBM = ang. DMB or triangle DMB is isosceles which implies that D lies on the perpendicular bisector of BM. Similarly E lies on the perpendicular bisector of BM. In other words DE, the perpendicular bisector of BM is parallel to AC since BM is perpendicular to AC. Further,DE being the perpendicular bisector of BM passes thru. midpoints P and Q rsply. of AB & AC. Now ang. DBA= 90 - (180 -A)/2 = A/2 and ang. BPQ = ang. A =ang. DBA + ang. BDP = A/2 + ang. BDP or ang. BDP=A/2 which makes DP=PB=AB/2 and similarly EQ=BC/2 while PQ=AC/2 since DE is the perpendicular bisector of BM. Thus x = DP+PQ+QE =(AB+BC+CA)/2=(a+b+c)/2=s

  2. Extend ray DA and ray EC to meet at I'.
    I' is the excentre of triangle ABC w.r.t AC.
    Let DE intersect AB at P and BC at Q.
    Let XYZ denote angle XYZ if not otherwise stated.
    DAB = 90 - A/2 = B/2 + C/2.
    => ABD = A/2.
    similarly, BCE = 90 - C/2 = A/2 + B/2.
    and CBE = C/2.
    now, I'B is the angle bisector of B.
    hence, I'BA = I'BC = B/2.
    => I'BD = B/2 + A/2 and I'BE = B/2 + C/2.
    now, I'DB + I'EB = 90 + 90 = 180.
    => I'DBE is cyclic.
    => I'BD = I'ED = A/2 + B/2 = BCE.
    => CEQ = QAC. => CQ = QE.
    similarly I'DE = I'BE = B/2 + C/2.
    => ADP = DAP. => PD = PA.
    In triangle BI'C, I'BC = B/2, BCI' = 90 + C/2 (C + 90 - C/2).
    => EI'B = CI'B = A/2.
    =>EDB = B/2 = DBP = BDP.
    => DP = PB.
    similarly, AI'B = C/2 = DI'B = DEB = QEB = QBE.
    =>QE = QB.
    so, P,Q are midpoints of AB and BC.
    so DE || AC.
    also, DP = AB/2, PQ = AC/2, QE = BC/2.
    => DE = (AB + BC + CA)/2 = s.

  3. Now, another proof :
    Consider a triangle BAC.
    Let P,Q be the midpoints of AB and BC respectively.
    Let PQ meet the external angle bisector of A at D.
    Let PQ meet the external angle bisector of C at E.
    now, BPQ = A = DPA.
    PAD = 90 - A/2 => PDA = 90 - A/2.
    => PD = PA. => BDA=90.(since P is the circumcentre of BDA).
    similarly, BEC=90.
    DE || AC. and DE = s.


    Let BD and BE meet AC at F and K
    Note that triangles BAF and BCK are isosceles
    And BD=DF , BE=EK
    AF=AB=c and CK=CB= a
    So DE//AC and DE= ½ FK= s

  5. Extend BD to meet CA at F and BE to meet AC at G
    Observe that triangles AFB (AF=AB=c) and CGB (CG=CB=a) are isoscelese and since AD_|_BF => D is the midpoint of BF
    similarly E is the mid-point of BG
    Hence in the triangle FBG, FG=a+b+c and from mid-point theorem DE is parallel to FG and is half of it

  6. Let BD, CA extended meet at P and let AC, BE extended meet at Q

    Since Tr.s ADP & ABD are congruent ASA and similarly Tr.s CEQ & BCE, D is the midpoint of BP and E is the BQ

    Further AP =mc and CQ = a

    Hence applying the midpoint theorem to Tr. PBQ, the result follows

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka

  7. Solution 2

    Let DE cut AB at X and BC at Y and let DA and EC extended meet at Z

    Since ZD & ZC are external bisectors of angles A and C respectively, ZB bisects < ABC
    So < DBZ = A/2 + B/2 = < DEZ (ZDBE being concyclic) = 90 - C/2 = < YCE

    It follows that YE = YC and hence Y is the centre of Right Triangle BEC

    So YE = a/2
    Similarly DX = c/2
    and XY = b/2 (applying the midpoint theorem to Triangle ABC)

    Adding, DE = DX + XY + YE = (a+b+c)/2

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


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