Friday, September 18, 2009

Problem 357. Square, Exterior point, Triangles, Area

Proposed Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 357 about Square, Exterior point, Triangles, Area.

 Problem 357. Square, Exterior point, Triangles, Area.
See more:
Complete Problem 357
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry


  1. Let l be the side of the square ABCD and h1, h2, h3, h4 be respectively the heights of triangles PAB, PBC, PCD, PDA. We have:
    S↓1=lh↓1/2, S↓2 = lh↓2/2, S↓3=l h↓3/2, S↓4=l h↓4/2. Therefore:

    S↓1+ S↓3=l(h↓1+ h↓3)/2= l↑2./2,
    S↓4- S↓2=l(h↓4- h↓2)/2= l↑2./2.
    QED, Ianuarius.

  2. Draw EPF//BC, E on AB extended and F on DC extended

    Let EP = x and EB = y

    So S1 = xa/2, S3 = (a-x)a/2,
    S2 = ya/2 and S4 = (a+y)a/2

    So S1+S3 = S4-S2= a^2/2 = S/2

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka

  3. See the drawing

    Define a = side of square ABCD
    Define h1,h2,h3 and h4 the heights respectively of S1, S2, S3 and S4
    h1+h3=a, h4-h2=a
    2S1=a.h1, 2S3=a.h3
    2S2=a.h2, 2S4=a.h4
    Therefore S1+S3=S4-S2=S/2

  4. Draw a Perpendicular from P equal to the length of side of the square (say h).
    Denote it as O.Connect AO & DO to form two parallelograms ABPO,DCPO and a triangle AOD congruent to BPC.
    It can easily seen that S1+S2+S3=S4
    Hence S1+S3= S4-S2
    Let the length of Perpendicular from P to BC be h1
    => S4-S2 = 0.5(h1.h+h2-h1.h)=h^2/2=S/2


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