Sunday, August 31, 2008

Elearn Geometry Problem 169

Parallelogram, Triangles, Pentagon, Areas

See complete Problem 169 at:

Parallelogram, Interior and Exterior Points, Diagonals, Pentagon, Triangles, Areas. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

Post your solutions or ideas in the comments.


  1. G and H are 2 points on BC and BA respectively such that BA//EG and BC//HF,

  2. Solution to problem 169.
    Draw through E a line perpendicular to AB and CD, intersecting AB at F and DC at G.
    Let be FG = h.
    We have S(ABE) + S(EDC) = AB.FE/2 + CD.EG/2 = AB.h/2 (since AB = CD).
    But AB.h/2 = P/2 (where P is the area of the parallelogram ABCD).
    Let be X and Y the areas of the no shaded regions with vertex B and C respectively.
    Then S1 + X + S2 + S3 + Y + S4 = P/2 (1).
    Let be h5 and h6 the distances of point F to lines AD and BD respectively.
    We have S(ADF) + S(BCF) = AD.h5/2 + BC.h6/2 = AD(h5+h6)/2 = P/2,
    so S5 + X + S6 + Y = P/2 (2).
    From (1) and (2) we get
    S5 + X + S6 + Y = S1 + X + S2 + S3 + Y + S4,
    or S5 + S6 = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4.


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