Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Elearn Geometry Problem 114

See complete Problem 114
Area of Triangles, Incircle, Excircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

Post your solutions or ideas in the comments.


  1. S=pr
    for i=1 to 6
    all triangles have altitude r and side p

  2. CD = CE = AF = AG = BH = BM = s
    (s= 1/2 perimeter)
    S1 = 1/2.r.CD = 1/2.r.s = 1/2 S
    S2 = 1/2.r.CE = 1/2.r.s = 1/2 S
    S3 = 1/2.r.AF = 1/2.r.s = 1/2 S
    S4 = 1/2.r.AG = 1/2.r.s = 1/2 S
    S5 = 1/2.r.BH = 1/2.r.s = 1/2 S
    S6 = 1/2.r.BM = 1/2.r.s = 1/2 S

    Teddy A D wteddy@yahoo.com


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