Friday, May 15, 2020

Dynamic Geometry 1480: Japanese Theorem for Cyclic Polygon, Triangulation, Non-intersecting Diagonals, Sum of Inradii, Invariant, Step-by-step Illustration

Interactive step-by-step animation using GeoGebra. Post your solution in the comment box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Details: Click on the figure below.

Dynamic Geometry 1480: Japanese Theorem for Cyclic Polygon, Triangulation, Non-intersecting Diagonals, Sum of Inradii, Invariant, Step-by-step Illustration, GeoGebra, iPad.

1 comment:


    Denote [XYZ]= inradius of triangle XYZ
    Per the result of problem 1452. For any cyclic quadrilateral ABCD we always have
    For 2nd triangulation of problem 1480:
    In quadrilateral BAFE, apply the result of problem 1452 we have
    [AFB]+[BFE]= [AFE]+[ADE]+[ABD]-[BDE]…. (1)
    Similarly, for quadrilateral BEDC we have
    [BED]+[BDC]=[AED]+[ADC]+[ACB]- [AEB]….(2)
    Add (1) to (2) and note that [ABD]+[AED]=[BDE]+[AEB]
    We get [AFB]+[BFE]+[BED]+[BDC]=[AFE]+[AED]+[ADC]+[ACB]
    So summation of all inradii of 2nd triangulation and 1st triangulation are equal=
    With similar way we will have the summation of all inradii of 3rd triangulation and 1st triangulation are also equal


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