Saturday, August 4, 2018

Typography of Geometry Problem 1373: Isosceles Triangle, Exterior Cevian, Inradius, Exradius, Altitude, iPad Apps

Geometric Art: Typography, iPad

Details: Click on the figure below.

Geometric Art Typography of Geometry Problem 1373: Isosceles Triangle, Exterior Cevian, Inradius, Exradius, Altitude, iPad Apps.

1 comment:

  1. Let the in circle be P and the excircle be Q
    Let DAC touch circle P at X & circle Q at Y
    Let DB touch circle P at U and circle Q at V

    Let AB = BC = a, AX = b, CY = c and
    AE = EC = d
    Let the bisector of < BAE meet BE at T

    ET = hd / (a + d) ......(1)

    Now PXA, TEA & QYC are similar triangles
    So b / r1 = c / r2 = ET / d = h / (a + d)
    = (b + c) / ( r1 + r2) = (a - d) / (r1 + r2) from (1)

    Hence (r1 + r2)h = a^2 - d^2 = h^2
    Therefore r1 + r2 = h

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


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