Monday, November 30, 2015

Geometry Problem 1168: Construction of the Inscribed Circle of the Arbelos, Semicircles, Diameter, Circle, Triangle, Circumcircle, Tangent

Geometry Problem. Post your solution in the comments box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to view more details of problem 1168.

Online Math: Geometry Problem 1168: Construction of the Inscribed Circle of the Arbelos, Semicircles, Diameter, Circle, Triangle, Circumcircle, Tangent.


  1. See below for minor correction and clarification from previous comment

    Let 2R is the diameter of circle O , 2r1=diameter of circle O1 and 2r2=diameter of circle O2
    Complete full circle O and let E’ is the midpoint of arc AC ( see sketch)
    Let Au and Cv are the tangents or circle O at A and C
    We have tri. O1O2O4 similar to tri. F’CB …( case AA)
    So O2O4/BC= O1O2/CF’= ½ => CF’=2.O1O2= AC= 2.R
    Similarly we also have AD’=AC= 2.R
    Perform geometry inversion with inversion center at B and inversion power= -BA. BC=- BE.BE’=-BF.BF’=-BD.BD’
    In this transformation Circle O → circle O
    circle O2 → line Au
    Circle O1 →Line Cv,
    Circle O4→ Line AE’
    Circle O3 →line CE’
    Circumcircle of tri. DEF → Circumcircle of tri. D’E’F’
    But circumcircle of tri. D’E’F’ tangent to circle O, Lines Au and Cv ( images of circles O, O2 and O1)
    So circumcircle of tri. DEF will tangent to circles O, O1 and O2

  2. just change ´´ given ´´ to ´´ to prove ´´ at P 638


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