Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Geometry Problem 1055: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Area, Circumradius, Circle

Geometry Problem. Post your solution in the comments box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the diagram below to enlarge it.

Online Math: Geometry Problem 1055: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Area, Circumradius, Circle.


  1. Let S be the area. Let BC=a, AC=b, AB=c.

    Since ΔABC~ΔDBE, thus DE/AC=BD/AB.
    d / b = (c sinA sinC) / c
    d = b sinA sinC = b (a/2R) (c/2R)

    Hence, S = abc/4R = Rd.

  2. D,F,E,B are concyclic and they lie on the circle on BF as diameter.
    In this circle d = chord EF = (diameter BF) x sin B
    (i.e.) d = h Sin B where h denotes height BF.
    In ΔABC we have
    2Δ= h.b = h. 2R sin B = 2R .h Sin B = 2R.d
    Hence Δ = R.d

  3. R=BC/2*BA/BF
    Due to similar triangles BC*BD=BF^2
    Therefore, Rd=AC*BF/2=[ABC]

  4. Considering usual triangle notations, it can be observed that BEFD is cyclic
    => m(BED)=m(BFD)=C
    Hence Tr. BEF similar to BCA
    => BE=ad/b
    Mark O as circumcenter and G as mid-point of BC => BG=a/2
    Observe that Tr.BOG is similar to BFE


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