Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Geometry Problem 1048: Circles, Tangent, Perpendicular, Diameter, Angle Bisector

Geometry Problem. Post your solution in the comments box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to view the complete problem 1048.

Online Math: Geometry Problem 1048: Circles, Tangent, Perpendicular, Diameter, Angle Bisector, Polya's Mind Map.


  1. Hi Antonio,

    I would like to add the folllowings:
    The point B is the center of the inscribed circle of the triangle DFH and the smallest circles passing through B and touching the three sides are Archimedean.


  2. As far as I know, the two Archimedean circles touching the sides DF and DH are new.


  3. Hi, Hiroshi
    Please explain why B is the center of the inscribed circle of triangle DFH concretely.

  4. http://s25.postimg.org/ag5sakzpb/pro_1048.png

    Connect lines per attached sketch
    We have GM=GB=GN => MBN is a right triangle
    In right triangles AEC and O1GO2 we have GB^2=BO1.BO2 and BE^2=BA.BC
    So BG= ½ BE and MBNE is a rectangle
    We have ∠ (BNE)= ∠ (BNC)=90 =>E, N, C are collinear
    Similarly A,M,E are collinear
    Note that ∠ (BCE)= Arc(AF)+Arc(FE)
    And ∠ (EMN)= Arc(AF)+Arc(EH)
    But ∠ (EMN)= ∠ (BNM)= ∠ (BCE) => Arc( FE)=Arc(EH)=> DE is an angle bisector of angle FDH

  5. By theorem from previous problem, AMNC is concyclic. Therefore, AM and NC must meet on radical axis DE of O1 and O2 at point P. <APC must be 90 because <MAB+<NCB=90, so P is also on big circle. P must coincide with E as result.
    <ACN=<AMF=<ACF+<EDH, but also
    Therefore <ACF+<EDH=<ACF+<FDE, so <EDH=<FDE

  6. Let radius of O1 = a and that of O2 = b
    Let MG = GB = GN = p and let GB = q

    So 2a X 2b = (p+q)^2
    But MN^2 = 4p^2 = (a+b)^2 - (b-a)^2 = 4ab

    So p+q = 2p hence p=q hence BMEN is a rectangle, AME, CNE are collinear and ADCE is a kite.
    So < BGN = < MAD hence AMGD is cyclic and so < BMG = < ADG = < HFE + < FEM = = < HDE + < ADF ==>. < FDB = < HDB


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