Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Geometry Problem 1006: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Bicentric Trapezoid

Geometry Problem. Post your solution in the comments box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 1006.

Online Math: Geometry Problem 1006: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Metric Relations


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  4. Problem 1006 has been replaced. Thanks.

  5. Since EA = ET = EB, FC = FT = FD and AB = CD.
    Also AD//BC so ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid.
    Then EF = (AD + BC)/2. (see the solution of problem 1008).
    EF = AB = CD so AB + CD = AD + BC then ABCD is circumscribed quadrilateral .
    Any isosceles trapezoid is a cyclic quadrilateral.

  6. Fie E,F ,G si H mijloacele segmntelor AB,BC,CDsi respectiv AD=>EFGH patrat,(deoarece ABCD este un trapez isoscel si are diagonalele congruente)

  7. Extend AB, DC to meet at E. Then EBA and ECD are tangents drawn to the 2 circles from an external point E and are hence equal for each circle.

    So Tr.s EAD & EBC are isoceles and similar since they share the same angle <E. So BC//AD and < B = < D. Hence ABCD is a cyclic trapezoid with AB = CD.

    The circumcentre of ABCD must lie on OQ the perpendicular bisector of both AD and BC. Find O1 on OQ such that AO1 = BO1 and we can see easily thro congruence that these are also equal to DO1 and CO1. Hence O1 is the circumcentre

    Now draw the common internal tangent at T which is seen to bisect AB and CD so AT is perpendicular to BT and likewise DT to CT. Hence thro congruence we can show that the perpendiculars from T to ths 4 sides are all equal hence ABCD has an incircle with C as centre

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka

  8. Sorry typo.

    Last line should be "with T as centre"


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