Saturday, March 29, 2014

Geometry Problem 999. Right Triangle, Midpoint, Median, Double Angle, Congruence

Geometry Problem.
Post your solution in the comments box below.

Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 999.

Online Geometry Problem 999. Right Triangle, Midpoint, Median, Double Angle, Congruence


  1. See

    BC perpendicular bisector FEG meets AC in F midpoint of AC, and E midpoint of DC (Thales). By construction ∆BEC and ∆BFC are isosceles. Right angle B implies ∆DEB is isosceles and similar to ∆BAE with acute vertex angle = 2x.

    Let H be the intersection of CD and BF. Since ∆BFC is isosceles, so is ∆BHE. Triangles ∆BAE and ∆BHE are isosceles and share the same base, hence AH bisects angle ∠BAE.

    ∠BAH = ∠BCH implies ∆AHC isosceles. Hence 3x=45° or x=15°.


  2. Please elaborate on why "∠BAH = ∠BCH implies ∆AHC isosceles." Thanks.

    1. as you AHC question why is isosceley

    2. why "∠BAH = ∠BCH implies ∆AHC isosceles." Thanks.????????

    3. Draw circle diameter AC, center F. B will be on this circle
      Let assume that AHC is not isosceles and AB >BC
      Point H is on radius FB. M and N are the projection of H over AB and AC
      Using elementary geometry we can show that HA > HC and HN> HM
      HN/HC > HM/HA so ∠(HCB)> ∠(HAB)
      So If AB> BC , it doesn’t exist point H on FB so that ∠(HCB)= ∠(HAB) ( both angles are positive)

    4. sorry Mr peter ((Using elementary geometry we can show that HA > HC and HN> HM
      HN/HC > HM/HA so ∠(HCB)> ∠(HAB)))???????????

  3. A solution is here:

  4. An equally challenging version of the above exercise (with solution) you can find here

  5. Easily Tr. ABE is isoceles. Let AE = AB = q, DE = EC = BE = p and BD = r

    Now BE is a tangent to circle ADE hence
    p^2 = rq ......(1)

    Further AD is a tangent to circle ACE hence
    (q-r)^2 = 2p^2 ....(2)

    From (1) and (2) we have
    q^2 = 4p^2 -r^2 ......(3)

    Now consider h the altitude of Tr. ABE
    h^2 = p^2 -r^2/4 = 4q^2 from .....,(3)

    So h = q/2 hence 2x = 30 and so x = 15

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka

  6. H is the altitude of Tr. ABE drawn from E

  7. Alternatively from (3) above

    4p^2 - r^2 = q^2

    LHS = BC^2 from right Tr. BCD

    So BC = q and < BAC = 45 and hence 3x = 45 and x = 15


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