Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Geometry Problem 998. Scalene Triangle, Isosceles, Angle, 120 Degree, Midpoint, Equilateral, Congruence

Geometry Problem.
Post your solution in the comments box below.

Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 998.

Online Geometry Problem 998. Scalene Triangle, Isosceles, Angle, 120 Degree, Midpoint, Equilateral, Congruence



    Connect AE and BC
    Perform rotational transformation, center B, angle of Rot= 120
    Triangle CBD will become EBA
    So AE=DC and ∠ (DMA)=120
    We have FG=1/2AE=1/2DC=GH and ∠ (FGH)=60
    So triangle FGH is equilateral

  2. Let z(P) be the complex number representing P.
    Let z(B)=0, z(D)=a, z(E)=b, denote ω=cis(120°).

    z(A)=aω, z(C)=bω².
    z(F)=1/2 a(1+ω), z(H)=1/2 b(1+ω²), z(G)=1/2 (a+b)

    z(G) + ω z(F) + ω² z(H)
    = 1/2 (a+b) + 1/2 a(ω+ω²) + 1/2 b(ω²+ω)
    = 0

    Hence, FGH is equilateral.

  3. sort of qualitative justification:


    let's consider I and J as centers of circumscribed triangles ABD and CBE. By construction, IDB and BEJ are equilateral therefore there exist a similarity transformation S that transform IDB into BEJ. Since T=(Id+S)/2 is also a similarity transformation (group + vector space over R), T(IDB)=FGH is equilateral.


  4. Let AE,CD cut at X.

    Tr.s ABE and CBD are congruent SAS.

    So AE = CD and therefore FG = GH from the midpoint theorem
    Also < BDX = BAX and so ADBX is concyclic and < ABX = < AXD = 120 = < AED + < CDE = < FGD + < HGE which gives < FGH = 60

    So in Tr. FGH, FG = GH and < FGH = 60 hence the same is equilateral

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


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