Thursday, February 13, 2014

Geometry Problem 980. Equilateral Triangle, Vertices, Three Parallel, Equal Circles, Construction

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 980.

Online Geometry Problem 980. Equilateral Triangle, Vertices, Three Parallel, Equal Circles, Construction


  1. Because AC//DF and BD//CE, 60=<BOC=<BDF, 60=<AOQ=180-<ACF=<DFC, then <DFC=<BDF so OCDF is cyclic isosceles trapezoid. But 60=180-<QOD=<ECF so <DFC=<ECF which makes FEDC isosceles trapezoid as well. That means DEOCF is cyclic and OEF equilateral from subtended angles.

  2. From simple angle chasing, < COD = 120 and < DEC = 60 so CODE is a isosceles trapezoid with CO = DO.

    Similarly CF = OD (from isosceles trapezoid CODF)

    So Tr.s COF and ODE are congruent SAS, the included angle being 120

    Hence OE = OF and < DOE + < COF = < DOE + < DEO = 60

    So < FOE = 60 and the result follows

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka
