Friday, January 3, 2014

Geometry Problem 954: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Common Chord, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angle Bisector

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 954.

Online Geometry Problem 954: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Common Chord, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angle Bisector


  1. Let AD and BF intersects at P
    Consider cyclic quad ADBF,
    G is the pole of PE and E is the pole of PG and hence EG is the polar of P
    By result in 953, OH perpendicular to EG so it must be the pole of BF and hence the intersection point tangents B and F.
    Remaining is straight forward

    1. To William: Why B and F are tangency points?

    2. property of pole and polar ?
      (H is the pole of BF relative to circle O)

    In cyclic quadrilaterals AHBE and DBAF ( see solution of pro 953) we have ∠ BHE)= ∠ (BAE)= ∠ (FAG)= ∠ (FHG)
    And OH ⊥GE per problem 953 so HO is angle bisector of ∠ (BHF)

  3. <D=<BAE=<BHE making GHBD cyclic. That makes <G=<HBE=<HAE making GFAH cyclic. It follows that <FHG=<BHE=<FAG=<D. <FOB=2<D and <FHB=180-<D-<D=180-<FOB, yet again making FHBO cyclic. But then <FHO=<BHO because they subtend chords of equal length (radius of O). This combined with <FHG=<BHE says that OH is perpendicular to GE and bisects <FHB.

  4. First we note GH.GE = GA.GB = GF.GD. So DEHF is a cyclic quadrilateral.
    Thus angles BHE = BAE = FDB = FDE = FHG.
    Let R be the radius of the circle (O).
    Now EH^2 - GH^2 = (EH + GH)(EH-GH)
    = EG.(EH - GH) = EG.EH - EG.GH
    = EG.EH - GH.GE = EG.EH - GA.GB
    = Power of E w.r.t Circle (O) - Power of G w.r.t. Circle (O)
    = (OE^2 - R^2) - (OG^2 - R^2)
    = (OE^2 - OG^2).
    Follows that OH is perpendicular to GE.
    Hence angles OHB = 90 - BHE = 90 - FHG = OHF.


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