Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Geometry Problem 938: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Triangle, Circumcircle, Circles, Circumcenter, Circumradius, Distance, Metric Relations

Geometry Problem. Post your solution in the comments box below.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.
Click the figure below to enlarge the problem 938.

Online Geometry Problem 938: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Triangle, Circumcircle, Circles, Circumcenter, Circumradius, Distance, Metric Relations


  1. Conjecture: O₁OO₂E form a parallelogram.

    If so, then using parallelogram law,
    EO² + 9² = 2(4² + 6²)
    EO = √23

    Unfortunately, I still need some time to prove / disprove my assertion.

  2. Let <BAE=a and <EBA=b. Then <OO1E=1/2<BO1A-<BO1E=(a+b)-2a=b-a. From cyclic condition we find that <EO2O=1/2<CO2D-<CO2E=b-a as well. If AB and CD meet at point P, <DPB=<DCA-<BAE=b-a. <O1OO2 is supplementary to <DPB because OO1 and OO2 perpendicular to AB and CD respective. That makes EO2OO1 a parallelogram.


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