Thursday, December 13, 2012

Problem 831: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Midpoint, Opposite Angles, Congruence, Parallelogram

Geometry Problem
Problem submitted by Jacob Ha, Keith Law, and more.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 831.

Online Geometry Problem 831: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Midpoint, Opposite Angles, Congruence, Parallelogram


  1. Solution of myself:

    Rotate 180° about O, then D→B, B→D.
    Let C→C', then C' is a point on line OA,
    with OC'=OC, so BCDC' is a parallelogram.

    Since ∠BC'D=∠BCD=∠BAD, C' coincide with A.
    Therefore, ABCD is a parallelogram.

    Solution submitted by Bean Ng:

    If OA=OC, then we are done.

    Otherwise, WLOG, suppose OA>OC,
    choose a point X on OA such that OX=OC.

    Then XBCD is a parallelogram.
    So ∠BXD=∠BCD=∠BAD.

    On the other hand, we have
    thus ∠ABX=∠ADX=0.

    Hence, A=X (two points coincide)
    and so ABCD is parallelogram.

  2. I hope others will give some more elementary solution.
    i.e. not involve uniqueness argument.

  3. vectorAD+vectorDC=vectorAC
    therefore, AD+DC=AB+BC
    therefore, BA+AD=BC+CD
    since ∠BAD=∠BCD
    thus, AD=BC and AB=DC
    and so ABCD is a parallelogram.

  4. Actually this problem is come from a variation of Problem 782 & 783.

    The original problem is, as shown in 783:

    Let M be the mid-point of BC,
    produce HM to D, such that HM=MD,
    then BDCH is a parallelogram.

    Thus, ∠BDC=∠BHC. But ∠BHC=180°−∠A,
    so ∠BDC=180°−∠A, therefore ABDC is concyclic.
    Consequently, D lies on the circumcircle.

    Now is my variation:

    Let M be the mid-point of BC,
    produce HM to meet the circumcircle at D.

    I want to show that BDCH is a parallelogram.
    And it is somehow a converse of the above problem.

    Now I have BM=MC, and ∠BDC=180°−∠A=∠BHC,
    and hence Problem 831.

    I hope this can help anyone to give a elementary solution.


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