Monday, July 30, 2012

Problem 793: Right Triangle, Altitude, Incircles, Incenters, Circumcircle, Circumradius, Perpendicular, Distance, Metric Relations

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 793.

Online Geometry Problem 793: Right Triangle, Altitude, Three Incircles, Incenters, Circumcircle, Circumradius, Perpendicular, Distance, Metric Relations.


  1. 1)angle DBE=90/2=45 degrees
    2)points A,D,I,N are in the same line and this line is perpendicular to BE. This way the angle BDE is 45 degrees.
    Similarly, points C,E,I,M are in the same line and this liner is perpendicular to BD. This way the angle BEI=45 degrees
    3)bxc=2RxHa(b,c are triangle sides and Ha is altitude)
    IMxIN=RxIF, => R=(IMxIN)/IF.

  2. Note that angle IDM = angle IEN = 45 degrees

    = [ID*IE*DE] / [4*S(IDE)]
    = [sqrt(2)*IM*sqrt(2)*IN*DE] / [4*S(IDE)]
    = [IM*IN*DE] / [2*S(IDE)]
    = IM*IN/IF

  3. Let IK is perpendicular to AC. From similarity of IKM and INF, we have that IK/IM=IN/IF or R/IM=IN/IF.

  4. True or false?
    (i)The incircle of ∆ABC, the circmcircle of ∆DEI and the circumcircle of ∆BDE are of equal radii

  5. Let P,Q be points where BM and BN extended intersect with AC
    As derived earlier in Pr. 792
    P,D,I,E,Q are concyclic wit PQ being the diameter. Also PQ=2R (R being the inradius of ABC and circum radius of DIE). It is also derived that I is the circumcenter of PBQ.
    =>m(IED)=m(IPD)=m(IBP)=A/2 and m(IDE)=C/2
    DIE and IPD are both C/2-135-A/2 triangles and from ASA both are congruent
    => DE=PI
    As PIQ is an isosceles Right Tr. => PI=Sqrt(2). R=DE----------------(1)
    Simiarly DME is similar to IFE
    But DM=IM and IE=Sqrt(2).IN


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