Thursday, July 26, 2012

Problem 792: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Three Incircles, Five Concyclic Points, Circles

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 792.

Online Geometry Problem 792: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Three Incircles, Five Concyclic Points, Circles.



    Draw lines per attached sketch
    Per the result of problem 789 we have FD=FI= FE= inradius of triangle ABC
    In Problem 789 we prove that triangle BEC is isosceles , C, I ,I2 are collinear and CI is the perpendicular bisector of BE .
    We have ∠LBI2=45
    Due to symmetric property of symmetric line CIL, we have ∠ LEI2=∠LBI2=45 => EI2 perpendicular to BD
    Similarly we also have DI1 perpendicular to BE
    So E , I1,I, I2 and D are concyclic in a circle diameter ED

  2. First of all, since
    angle ABD
    = angle ABH + angle HBD
    = angle BCH + angle CBD
    = anle ADB
    So AB = AD.

    Now since AI1 is angle bisector of angle BAD,
    and triangle ABD is isosceles,
    thus AI1 is perpendicular to BD.

    Consider triangle I1BD,
    from the above result, it is isosceles.
    Since I1B = I1D, and angle I1BD = 45,
    so angle BI1D = 90.

    Therefore, angle EI1D = 90.
    Similarly, angle EI2D = 90.

    (Indeed, BH, DI1 and EI2 are concurrent,
    and they intersect at the orthocenter of triangle BED. )

    On the other hand,
    since AI1 is perpendicular to BD,
    AI is also perpendicular to BD, so IB = ID.

    Similarly, IB = IE. So IB = ID = IE.
    Therefore, I is the circumcenter of triangle BED.

    angle EID = 2 * angle EBD = 90.

    As angle EI1D = angle EID = angle EI2D = 90,
    thus E, I1, I, I2, D concyclic, with diameter DE.

  3. Simply let AB = a, BC = b and AC = c.

    By Van Aubel theorem, on triangle ABH and BHC,
    BI1/I1E = (BH+BA)/AH = (b+c)/a,
    BI2/I2D = (BH+BC)/HC = (a+c)/b,

    By angle bisector theorem,
    EH = BH/(BA+BH)*AH = (ab/c)*(a/(b+c))
    HD = BH/(BH+BC)*HC = (ab/c)*(b/(a+c))

    Hence EH/HD = (a(a+c))/(b(b+c))
    And further,
    (BI1/I1E) * (BI2/I2D) * (EH/HD) = 1

    So BH, I1D, I2E are concurrent.

    In addition,
    S(BOD)/S(DOE) = BI1/I1E = BH/EH = tan(BED)
    S(BOE)/S(DOE) = BI2/I2D = BH/DH = tan(BDE)

    As a result, by the barycentric coordinate system on triangle BDE, the concurrent point is the orthocenter.
    So Angle EI1D = Angle DI2E = 90 and I1, I2, D, E are concyclic.

    For the remaining, EBD = 45, while BI = ID = IE , so I is the circumcenter of BDE, and IDE = 90.

    So the point I also lies on the circle I1, I2, D, E.


  4. ∠EBD=90°:2=45°
    Δ ABD, Δ CEB=> isosceles
    AI₁ I =>perpendicular bisector [BD] =>I₁D ┴ BE
    ­ CI2I → perpendicular bisector [BE] =>EI2 ┴ BD
    IM ┴ AC MD=r EM=r IM=r

    Points E, I₁, I, I2 and D are in the circles with the center M and radius r

  5. [ Erina from NJ]

    Angle EBD=90°:2=45°
    Δ ABD,Δ CEB => isosceles
    AI₁ I => perpendicular bisector [BD]=> I₁D ┴ BE
    ­CI2I → perpendicular bisector [BE]=> EI2 ┴ BD
    IM ┴ AC MD=r EM=r IM=r

    Points E, I₁, I, I2 and D are in the circles with the center M and radius r

  6. Angle EBD=90°:2=45°
    Δ ABD,Δ CEB => isosceles
    AI₁ I =>perpendicular bisector [BD] =>I₁D ┴ BE
    ­ CI2I → perpendicular bisector [BE] =>EIₐ ┴ BD
    IM ┴ AC MD=r EM=r IM=r

    Points E, I₁, I, I2 and D are in the circles with the center M and radius r


  7. Problem 792
    In the same figure with the problem we have 790. <BI1I=45=<IDE then the points E,I1,I,D are
    Cyclic.But B,E are symmetrical CF so <IEI2=IBI2=<IDI2.So the points E,I,I2,D are cyclic.
    Therefore E,I1,I,I2 and D are concyclic.

  8. Considering usual triangle notations
    m(IBD)=45-A/2=C/2=m(ICD)=> IBCD is cyclic => m(BID)=180-C
    m(BED)=90-C/2=m(BID)/2 , Similarly m(BDE)=m(BIE)/2=90-A/2 and m(EBD)=m(EID)/2=45 => I is the circumcenter of Tr.BED
    From the above, it can be deduced that EID is an isosceles right triangle => m(IDE)=45 degrees -----------(1)
    In Tr. ABI1 its easy to see m(BI1A)=135 => m(EI1I)=135-----------(2)
    From (1) & (2), E,I1,I&D are concyclic.
    By symmetry it can be proved that I2 lies on the same circle.

  9. A,I1,I are collinear and < EBI = 45 - (45-A/2) = A/2 = < EAI so ABIE is concyclic.

    Hence < IED = < ABI = 45

    Similarly we can show that < IDE = 45

    Now < BI1I = 45 = BI2I

    It follows that EDII1 and EDI2I are both concyclic which is the desired result

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


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