Friday, June 8, 2012

Problem 762: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Congruence, Isosceles triangle

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 762.

Online Geometry Problem 762: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Congruence, Isosceles triangle.


  1. MC cut AD at N
    Triangle MBc congruence to triangle MAN ... ( case ASA)
    so NA=BC=AD
    in right triangle NHD, HA is a median => AH=AN=AD

  2. Extend DA and CM to meet at E.
    Triangles BMC and AEM are similar
    So BC/AE = BM/MD = 1
    Follows AE = BC = AD
    Triangle HED is right angled at H
    and A is the midpoint of hypotenuse ED
    Hence AH = AD (= AE)

  3. Using vector approach to solve the problem. Let vector DA = a, vector DC = c.
    We have vector MC = 1/2 c - a
    Let vector DH = h, such that DH。MC = 0, => 1/2(h。c)= h。a
    Now |AH|。|AH|
    = |h|。|h| + |a|。|a| - 2(h。a)
    = |h|。|h| + |a|。|a| - (h。c)
    = |a|。|a| + |h|(|h|-|c|sinX), where X is the angle between DH and DC
    = |a|。|a|
    That means |AH| = |a| = |AD|

  4. Challenging problems in geometry (chaper 1, problem 16)...



  6. Let N be mid point of CD.

    MCNA is a parellllogram and AMHN is an isoceles trapezoid whose diagonals are equal MN = AH. But MN = AD since ADNM is a parallelogram and so AH = AD

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka

  7. A variant on above:

    Let M' be the mid point of CD. AM' is || to MC and E is the intersection of DH with AM'.

    1. angle DEM' is 90 degrees like DHC since its a traversal through the 2 parallel lines.

    2. Therefore tr. DEM' is similar to tr. DHC (AAA) in a 2x ratio. So EH = DE.
    3. tr AHE is congruent to tr AED by SAS therefore AH = AD.

  8. N be the mid-point of CD.
    HN=CN=DN=AM and AN//MH => AMHN is isosceles trapezoid


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