Friday, May 25, 2012

Geometry Problem 756: Four Circles Theorem

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Using TracenPoche Interactive Dynamic Software. Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.
Click the figure below to interact with the problem 756 details.

Online Geometry Problem 756: Four Circles Theorem Using TracenPoche Interactive Dynamic Software. 
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.


  1. Angle A'AD + Angle A'D'D = 180
    Angle A'AB+ Angle A'B'B= 180
    Angle DCC' + Angle DD'C' = 180
    Angle C'CB + Angle C'B'B = 180

    Summing up the four identities, the four angles = 540

    By considering A'D'C' and A'B'C', they add up would equal to 180, hence concylic.


    Connect lines per attached sketch
    Let a1, a2, c1,c2, d’1, d’2, b’1, b’2 are values of angles showed on the sketch
    Since A’ADD’ is cyclic so d’1=180-a1
    Since D’DCC’ is cyclic so d’2=180-c1
    So m∠A’D’C’=d’1+d’2=360-a1-c2
    Similarly we also have m∠A’B’C’=b’1+b’2=360-a2-c2
    So m∠A’D’C’+m∠A’B’C’=(360-a1-a2)+ (360-c1-c2)=m∠BAD+m∠BCD=180
    So ∠A’D’C’ supplement to ∠A’B’C’ and A’, B’, C’ ,D’ are cocyclic

  3. Different positions of A, B,C, D on circle O and different location of centers of circle O1, O2,O3 and O4 will generate different arrangement of quadrilateral A’B’C’D’ relatively to other quadrilaterals.
    Below is a typical case. This proving can be applied for general case
    Given: quadrilaterals ABCD, ABB’A’, AA’D’D, DD’C’C, BB’C’C are cyclic
    To prove : quadrilateral B’A’D’C’ is cyclic
    Sketch :

    Connect lines per attached sketch
    Let d1 , d2 ,b1 ,b2 ,c’1 ,c’2, a’1 and a’2 are values of angles showed on the sketch
    Since qua. B’BCC’ is cyclic => b1+b2+c’1+c’2=180……. (1)
    Since qua. DD’C’C, BADC, and BB’A’A are cyclic so
    Replace these values in (1) we get c’1=-360+d1+d2+a’2 …..(2)
    Since ADD’A’ is cyclic => m∠AA’D + m∠ADD’=180
    Or 360-a’1-a’2+360-d1-d2=180
    Or a’1= 540-d1-d2-a’2…….(3)
    Add (2) to (3) we get c’1+a’1= 180 => qua. B’A’D’C’ is cyclic

    In general for these quadrilaterals ABCD, ABB’A’, AA’D’D, DD’C’C, BB’C’C and B’A’D’C’,
    If 5 of these quadrilaterals are cyclic, then the remaining quadrilateral will be cyclic


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