Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Geometry Problem 669: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Midpoint, Collinear points, Mind Map

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 669.

 Problem 669: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Midpoint, Collinear points, Mind Map.


  1. Sice D is midpoint of arc AB and I is incenter of triangle ABC we have C, I, D are collinear. Similarly A, I, E are collinear. Then by Pascal's theorem for A, F, C, E, B and D we have G, I, H are collinear.

  2. This problem admits an extension:
    Replace I by any point in the internal region of tr ABC; let X and Y be the touching points of lines AI and BI with the circle. Keep definitions of F, G and H like the original problem. The colineality is still true!


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