Saturday, January 15, 2011

Theodore Gericault: The Raft of the Medusa and Golden Rectangles

Click the figure below to see the interactive illustration.

Theodore Gericault: The Raft of the Medusa and Golden RectanglesZoom at: Great Paintings: The Raft of the Medusa.

1 comment:


    I came across this interesting and useful app for the drawing students and fans of His art.

    When talking about Theodore Gericault, it would be hard to distance from military themes and images of horses, subject that he returned to every now and then throughout his short career. His most notable success was a painting called The Raft of the Medusa which was actually inspired by the scandalous news about a captain leaving his crew and passengers to die in the middle of the sea. His work is a fusion of his studies as a young painter who took inspiration from Rubens, Titian, Michelangelo and other classical painters. Combining the turbulent drama, he was a pioneering influence for the Romantic Movement.

    I found this app at:

    h t t p : / / a r a m . i s / g e r i c a u l t
    h t t p : / / b i t . l y / G e r i c a u l t

    The Gericault iPad app is a fantastic work that captures some of his drawings for paintings and studies. You can see here a lot of military themes, some portraits, images of horses and others. This is a great app that has a hundreds of high quality images that you will definitely love to view one by one. The app is cleverly categorized into easily identifiable sections. There is a section dedicated to his study for The Raft of the Medusa. This app also contains studies of people, mythological drawings portraiture and lithography. Indeed, this is jam packed with a lot of Gericault's inspiring works.

    If you like to know more about Gericault, the best way to do it is by studying his works. Take advantage of this app as it is a portable catalog for you to enjoy and explore. You will definitely love to see and explore his brilliant drawings.


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