Friday, August 13, 2010

Problem 501: Triangle, Two Squares, Center, Midpoint, another Square

Geometry Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 501 about Triangle, Two Squares, Center, Midpoint, another Square.

Problem 501. Triangle, Two Squares, Center, Midpoint, another Square

See also:
Complete Problem 501

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry


  1. FS = SN, FS perp to SN from P497
    FI = IN as middle line of ADH, DHC
    => 1) FS = SN = FI = IN = 1/2 DC
    2) FSN = 90°
    FSNI square

  2. Por problema 497 aplicado a tr ABC y a tr DBH tenemos que
    1- FS=SN y <FSN=90.
    2- FI=IN y <FIN=90.

    con esto es clarisimo que FSNI es cuadrado.

    by mathreyes.


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