Friday, July 30, 2010

Problem 487: Intersecting Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, 90 Degrees

Geometry Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 487 about Intersecting Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, 90 Degrees.

Problem 487: Intersecting Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, 90 Degrees
See also:
Complete Problem 487

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

1 comment:

  1. If the radius of the smaller circle is r then the radius of the larger circle is √2r and thus A1 = (1/2)(∏/2)(√2r )^2 - (1/2)(√2r )^2 = ∏r^2/2 - r^2 while sector DCF + A2 =(1/2)(2r)(r)=r^2 and Sector DCF + A3 = ∏r^2/2. Thus A1+A2 +Sector DCF = ∏r^2/2 - r^2 +r^2 = ∏r^2/2 = DCF + A3 or A1 + A2 = A3


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