Saturday, July 24, 2010

Problem 479: Triangle, Cevians, Concurrency, Transversal, Proportion

Geometry Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 479 about Problem 479: Triangle, Cevians, Concurrency, Transversal, Proportion.

Problem 479: Triangle, Cevians, Concurrency, Transversal, Proportion
See also:
Complete Problem 479

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry


  1. join B to G
    in ▲ABG from ceva's theorem
    BD/DA∙AG/CG = BE/EC => AG/CG = BE/EC∙DA/BD (1)
    in ▲ABC from ceva's theorem
    BD/DA∙AF/FC∙EC/BE = 1 (2)
    multiply (1) to (2)

    AG/CG = AF/FC

  2. Below is the proving of 2nd part of Problem 479
    1. Apply Ceva’s theorem to triangle DBE and point of concurrence O . We have:
    (HD/HE)*(CE/CB)*(AB/AD)=1 so HD/HE= (CB/CE)*(AD/AB)
    2. Apply Menelaus’s theorem for triangle DBE and secant ACG . We have:
    (GE/GD)*(AD/AB)*(CB/CE)=1 so GD/GE=(AD/AB)*(CB/CE)
    3. From the result of steps 1 and 2 we get HD/HE=GD/GE

    Peter Tran


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