Sunday, July 18, 2010

Problem 476: Triangle, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Angles

Geometry Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 476 about Triangle, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Angles.

Problem 476: Triangle, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Angles
See also:
Complete Problem 476

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

1 comment:

  1. Let circle H intersect circle M at N.
    Let (ABC) denote angle (ABC)
    1. We have (ENF)= (ABC) [Both angles supplement to Angle EBF]
    (END) =(BAC) [Both angles supplement to Angle EAD]
    2. (DNF)= (ENF)+(END)=(ABC)+(BAC) so (DNF) supplement to angle (C )
    3. So quadrilateral CDNF is cyclic.
    4. EN is the common secant of circle H and circle M so HM perpendicular to EN
    DN is the common secant of circle H and circle G so HG perpendicular To DN
    5. So (MHG)=(END)=(BAC)


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