Sunday, May 16, 2010

Interactive Geometry iPhone App

Video and News
Apollonius by Adolfo Rodriguez is an Interactive Geometry Software (IGS, or Dynamic Geometry Environment, DGE) for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It allows you to make geometric constructions (such as those made using a compass and straightedge/ruler) and move their parts smoothly using the device's touchscreen.
Video: the first construction is a regular hexagon given its center and one vertex. The second construction is the nine-point circle.
Click the figure below to see the video.

 Interactive Geometry iPhone App, Video and News.
See more:
Interactive Geometry iPhone App


  1. Thanks for the post about geometry iphone it's nice. keep it up more iphone application. iPhone Website Development

  2. Hello,
    Desde la empresa, ya estamos brindando soluciones de IGS Móvil Geolocalizada para Iphone y Android.Mediante la creación de capas de datos geoposicionados, podemos mostrar cientos de puntos de Interés que se encuentren a nuestro alrededor, hacer juegos de búsqueda del tesoro, y visitas guiadas para lugares abiertos.


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