Sunday, April 4, 2010

Problem 432: Trapezoid, Parallel, Measurement, Similarity, Transversal

Proposed Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 432 about Trapezoid, Parallel, Measurement, Similarity, Transversal.

Problem 432: Trapezoid, Parallel, Measurement, Similarity, Transversal.
See also:
Complete Problem 432

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

1 comment:

  1. join B to D
    name m = CF, n = FD, x1, x2 two part of x devided by BD
    from thales theorem
    in ▲ABD => f/(e+f) = x1/b (1)
    in ▲BCD => n/(m+n) = x2/a (2)
    in ABCD => f/e = m/n (3)
    from (1) and (2) and (3)
    x1 = bf/(e+f)
    x2 = ae/(e+f)
    x = x1 + x2
    x = (ae + ef)/(e + f)


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