Friday, February 19, 2010

Euclid's Elements Book I, Proposition 6

If in a triangle two angles be equal to one another, the sides which subtend the equal angles will also be equal to one another.
Click the figure bellow to see the illustration.

Euclid's Elements Book I, Proposition 6.

Read more at:
Euclid's Elements Book I, Proposition 6


  1. if you construct another triangle A'B'C' with AC=A'C', <BC'A'= <BAC and <B'A'C'= <BCA you will have two triangles satistying A-S-A criterion for congruence and the conclusion follows

  2. Hello, Very cool blog. I love books. Reading is the main key to learning and we must encourage this since the kids are small ...

    Great blog


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