Saturday, July 11, 2009

Problem 320: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Collinear points

Proposed Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 320.

 Geometry Problem 320: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Collinear points.
See more:
Complete Problem 320
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

1 comment:

    1. Connect BI, EC and AI
    Note that A,I,E are collinear.
    We have angle(BCE)= ½ angle (A) + ½ angle (B)
    And angle (BIF)= ½ angle (A)+1/2 angle (B) so angle (BCE)= angle (BIF) and quad(BICE) is cyclic

    2. Since H is the midpoint of arc AG >> HI.HM=HN.HE= HA ^2
    And quad(NIME) is cyclic.

    3. Note that MN is radical line of circle(ABC) and circle(NIME)
    In circle(BICE) , F is the intersection of chords BC and IE >> FI.FE=FB.FC
    Since power of F to circle (NIME)=power of F to circle(ABC)
    So F must lie on radical axis MN of circles (ABC) and circle (NIME)

    Peter Tran


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