Monday, June 8, 2009

Problem 299: Intersecting Circles, Chord, Secant, Midpoint, Congruence

Proposed Problem
Click the figure below to see the complete problem 299 about Intersecting Circles, Chord, Secant, Midpoint, Congruence.

 Problem 299: Intersecting Circles, Chord, Secant, Midpoint, Congruence.
See also:
Complete Problem 299
Collection of Geometry Problems

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry


  1. Triangles ACE and BCG are congruent.
    AE and BG are parallel.
    ADGB is an isosceles trapezoid.
    DG is equal to AB and so is DH.

  2. From 298 we get that GCH and ECF are similar hence GH//EF.
    From 297 we get that DO is perpendicular to EF so it is also perpendicular to GH.
    Therefore DO is the perpendicular bisector of GH hence DG = DH.


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