Saturday, May 9, 2009

Problem 289: Tangent circles, Radius, Perpendicular, Tangent

Proposed Problem

Click the figure below to see the complete problem.

 Problem 289: Tangent circles, Radius, Perpendicular, Tangent.

See also:
Problem 289: Tangent circles, Radius, Perpendicular, Tangent
Collection of Geometry Problems

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry


  1. Let A be (0,0) and AD the x-axis, the radius of circle B = r. Hence B:(((a^2+2ar)^(1/2),r) and E:(0,a). Let F be (x1,y1). Thus we have
    x1-(a^2+2ra)^(1/2))^2+(y1-r)^2=r^2 since F lies on circle B. Considering slopes of EF & BF we get:-x1/(y1-a)=(y1-r)/(x1-(a^2+2ra)^(1/2)) and
    (EF)^2 = (y1-a)^2 + x1^2. On solving the equations obtained we get: EF=V2*a or x=V2*a

  2. From triangle BFE we can say that: x^2=BE^2-r^2 if r is the radius of the circle B. But B is ((a^2+2ar)^(1/2),r)as may easily ascertained and A is (0,a). Hence we've: x^2 = [(a^2+2ar)^(1/2)-0]^2+(r-a)^2 - r^2 using the distance formula. This easily gives x^2 = 2a^2 w/o having to worry about the co-ords. of F.

  3. Let radius of circle B be b.
    AD^2 = (a+b)^2 - b^2 = a*a + 2ab
    Now draw a line parallel to AD from B to AE which touches AE at say M. Now ME = a-b
    EB^2 = (a-b)^2 + a^2 +2ab = 2*a*a + b*b
    Now EF^2 + b^2 = EB^2
    EF^2 = 2a*a + b*b -b*b = 2a*a
    EF = a*sqrt(2).


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