Thursday, April 16, 2009

Problem 30. Right Triangle, Incenter, Inradius

Proposed Problem

 Problem 30. Right Triangle, Incenter, Inradius.

See also: Complete Problem 30, Collection of Geometry Problems

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry


  1. From F draw FD perpendicular to AB meeting the latter in D. Now ED = r, angle EAB = angle EAF = A/2, r = AE sin(A/2) and AE = AFcos(A/2) which gives us: r/sin(A/2) = AFcos(A/2) or AF = r/sin(A/2)cos(A/2) = 2r/sin(A). Finally, BG = FD = AFsin(A) = 2r/sin(A) * sin(A) = 2r.

  2. Let G be an intersecting point of the segment AB and the extension of FE and let
    P,Q and R be ponts on segments AB, BC and FG, respectively with EPㅗAB, EQㅗBC and ERㅗFG.
    Then we see that BQ=EP=EQ=r and
    two triangles EPG and ERF are congruence.
    Hence we get BG=BQ+QG=BQ+ER=BQ+EP=2r.

  3. Let G be an intersecting point of the segment AB and the extension of FE and let
    P,Q and R be ponts on segments AB, BC and FG, respectively with EPㅗAB, EQㅗBC and ERㅗFG.
    Then we see that BQ=EP=EQ=r and
    two triangles EPG and ERF are congruence.
    Hence we get BG=BQ+QG=BQ+ER=BQ+EP=2r

  4. Through E draw MN ∥ AB with M on AF and N on BG.
    ∠AEM = ∠EAB = A/2 -> ME = MA
    ∠MEF = 90° - A/2 = ∠MFE -> ME = MF
    AB ∥ MEN ∥ FG
    So BN = NG
    But MEN ∥ AB -> EN ⊥ AB => ENB = EBN = 45°
    -> EN = BN
    So BN = NG = EN = r
    Hence BG = 2r
    (-> denotes "implies")

  5. Slight Correction:
    in the line
    "But MEN ∥ AB -> EN ⊥ AB => ENB = EBN = 45°"
    it should be read as
    " ∠BEN = ∠EBN = 45° "

  6. Extend EF to cut AB at M; since M is the symmetrical of F about E and FG||AB, FG is tangent to the incircle and thus we are done.
    Best regards,
    Stan Fulger

  7. Since FG is parallel to AB we can see that FE bisects < AFG. So E is the ex centre of Tr. FGC. Hence EG bisects right < BGF and so < EGB = 45. But < EBG = 45 and so BG= 2r where r is the in radius = altitude of isoceles Tr. BEG

    Sumith Peiris
    Sri Lanka


  9. Very simple.
    AB and GF are both tangents to the incircle.
    Let X be a point such that AB⟂XE, let Y be a point such that GF⟂YE. Hence, XE and YE are both radii of the incircle. In fact, BGYX is a rectangle, since there are 4 right angles. Hence XY is a diameter.
    BG=XY and XY=2r, hence BG=2r


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