Thursday, April 2, 2009

Problem 279: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Chords, Inradius

Proposed Problem

Problem 279: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Chords, Inradius.

See complete Problem 279 at:

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

1 comment:

  1. Using results from earlier problems, we know that: CD^2 = 4ba^2/(a+b), CE^2=4ab^2/(a+b) and DE^2=4ab. Further, r=CD*CE/(CD+CE+DE)
    Thus,r=(2aVb*2bVa)/(2aV(b/(a+b))+2aV(a/(a+b))+2V(ab)) where V = square root
    Thus, r = [4abV(ab/(a+b))]/2aVb+2bVa+2V(ab(a+b)
    Upon rationalization & simplification it can easily be show that:
    r=Vab[Va+Vb-V(a+b)]/V(a+b) or
    r=V(ab)[(Va+Vb)V(a+b) -1]
    Ajit: ajitathatle


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