Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Rhombuses, Parallelograms

Problem: Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Parallelogram, Rhombus

See complete Problem 243 at:

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

Post your solutions or ideas in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. a) A'BA"C has
    A"C//BA', A"B//CA' ( ang 120°+60°)
    BC perpendicular to A"A' (A"A' altitude for equilat tr)

    => A'BA"C is rhombus

    b) tr ABC "goes" to B"CA', AB"C', A"CB' (see P240)

    A'BC'B" has
    ang C'B"A' = 360°- (C+60+A)=300+B-(A+B+C)
    ang C'B"A' = 120+B

    ang C'BA' = 120+B
    C'B"A' = C'BA' (1)

    ang BC'B" = 60 - B
    ang BA'B" = 60 - B
    BC'B" = BA'B" (2)

    (1) & (2) =>

    BC'B"A' paralelogram

    c) A"C'B"C has

    ang B"C'A" = 60 - (60 - B) - (60 - A)
    ang B"C'A" = A + B - 60

    ang A"CB" = C - (C - 60) - (C - 60) = 120 - C
    = 120 - (180 - B - A)= A + B - 60

    B"C'A" = A"CB" (1)

    ang C'B"C = C + 60
    ang C'A"C' = C + 60

    C'B"C = C'A"C' (2)

    (1) & (2) =>

    C'A"CB" paralelogram


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