Monday, February 16, 2009

Problem 251. Parallelogram, sides, diagonals, squares, areas

Proposed Problem
Parallelogram, sides, diagonals, squares, areas.

See complete Problem 251 at:

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

Post your solutions or ideas in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. name B → S2'side, b → S1'side
    name D → S3'side, d → S4'side
    name h → altitude DH, H on AC
    name x → OH

    B² = ( D/2 + x)² + h² ( from tr ADC, P theorem )

    B² = D²/4 + Dx + x² + h²

    b² = ( D/2 - x )² + h²

    b² = D² - Dx + x² + h²

    2 ( B² + b² ) = D² + 4x² + 4h² (1)
    (d/2)² = x² + h² ( from tr OHD )

    d² = 4x² + 4h²

    D² + d² = D² + 4x² + 4h² (2)
    comparing (1) & (2) give the results


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