Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Problem 824: Desargues' Theorem, Triangles in Perspective, Concurrent Lines, Collinear Points, Center, Axis, Perspector, Perspectrix

Geometry Problem
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, Honors Geometry, College.

Click the figure below to see the complete problem 824.

Online Geometry Problem 824: Desargues' Theorem, Triangles in Perspective, Concurrent Lines, Collinear Points, Center, Axis, Perspector, Perspectrix.


  1. Apply Menelaus’s theorem to triangle OAB and transversal DB’A’ we have
    Apply Menelaus’s theorem to triangle OBC and transversal FC’B’ we have
    Apply Menelaus’s theorem to triangle OAC and transversal EC’A’ we have
    Multiplying the three equalities we obtain after simplification.
    So D,E,F are collinear per converse of Menelaus’s theorem

  2. Using homogeneous coordinates in projective geometry.
    WLOG, we may let A=[1,0,0], B=[0,1,0], C=[0,0,1] and O=[1,1,1].

    Then we have
    line OA: y=z
    line OB: x=z
    line OC: x=y

    Thus we may let A'=[a,1,1], B'=[1,b,1], C'=[1,1,c].

    Now we have
    line AB: z=0
    line A'B': (1−b)x−(a-1)y+(ab−1)z=0
    ∴ D = AB∩A'B' = [a−1,1−b,0]

    line AC: y=0
    line A'C': (c−1)x−(ac-1)y+(a−1)z=0
    ∴ E = AC∩A'C' = [a−1,0,1−c]

    line BC: x=0
    line B'C': (bc−1)x−(c-1)y+(1−b)z=0
    ∴ F = BC∩B'C' = [0,b−1,1−c]

    Now consider the determinant
    |a−1 1−b 0 |
    |a−1 0 1−c| = −(a−1)(b−1)(1−c)−(a−1)(1−b)(1−c) = 0
    | 0 b−1 1−c|

    Hence, D,E,F are collinear.

  3. Another proof using projective geometry but without coordinates.

    Since O lies on AA', we can write O=mA+nA'.
    Similarly, we have O=pB+qB' and O=rC+sC'.

    So we have
    mA+nA' = pB+qB' ⇒ mA−pB = −nA'+qB' = D
    mA+nA' = rC+sC' ⇒ mA−rC = −nA'+sC' = E
    pB+qB' = rC+sC' ⇒ pB−rC = −qB'+sC' = F

    D+E+F = (mA−pB)+(mA−rC)+(pB−rC) = 0
    So D,E,F are collinear.
